Chu, Kam Hon
Do Free Banks Overexpand in Unison? Time Series Evidence from Hong Kong 1954-1966
Buch, Claudia M. and Golder, Stefan M
Domestic and Foreign Banks in Germany: Do they Differ?
Borchert, Manfred
Will West European Banks Affect Monetary Control?
Schirmeister, Raimund and Nadler, Michael
Effiziente Wohnungsfinanzierungssysteme für Entwicklungs- und Transformationsländer - Ein Transfer der Globalstrategien und Resolutionen der Vereinten Nationen auf die Ebene der Finanzdienstleistungen
Schäfer, Henry and Stederoth, Ralf
Portfolioselektion und Anlagepolitik mittels Ethik-Filtern ein Überblick zum Stand der empirischen Kapitalmarktforschung
Oehler, Andreas and Unser, Matthias
Finanzwirtschaftliches Risikomanagement (Christian Pohnke)
Binswanger, Mathias
Stock Markets, Speculative Bubbles and Economic Growth. New Dimensions in the Co-evolution of Real and Financial Markets (Wolfgang Filc)
Chu, Kam Hon
"Do Free Banks Overexpand in Unison? - Time series Evidence from Hong Kong, 1954-1966"
This paper applies the Engle- Granger cointegration framework to test the in- concert overexpansion hypothesis under free banking. The highly unregulated Hong Kong banking system during 1954- 1966 is examined. The results suggest a long- run relationship between aggregate bank loans and GDP, both in real terms. Furthermore, the error correction model indicates that deviations of bank loans from the long- run relationship were "self- correcting" in the sense that real loans in excess of its long- run equilibrium level in a year were followed by a contraction in the next year and vice versa. The time- series results are reinforced by further examination of individual banks’ loan growth rates. Overall, the findings reject the in- concert overexpansion hypothesis. (JEL E 32, E 42, E 51)
Buch, Claudia M. and Golder, Stefan M
"Domestic and Foreign Banks in Germany: Do They differ?"
The German banking market is notorious for its low degree of market penetration by foreign financial institutions, suggesting that markets serviced by domestic and foreign banks are segmented. This paper employs a number of tests to determine whether activities of domestic and foreign banks are related. Using data for the years 1986- 1999, we fail to find evidence for similarities in the activities of domestic and foreign banks. This holds across the two types of domestic banks(large and savings banks) and across four different activities (loans and deposits of banks and non- banks) considered. (JEL G 15, G 21, G 24, G 32)"
Borchert, Manfred
"Will West European Banks Affect Monetary Control?"
The objective of this study is to analyze the business direction of the largest European banks in order to extract possible impacts regarding the efficacy of monetary control. In a cross- section analysis (using data of the largest 51 European banks) the influencing variables for granting loans by banks have been correlated, followed by a factor analysis (a) of balance sheet items in order to extract the importance of asset items, and (b) of income statements in order to extract the importance of off- balance items. As a result, loans will be refinanced increasingly by items not under monetary control. (JEL E 44, G 21)
Schirmeister, Raimund and Nadler, Michael
"Efficient Housing Finance Systems for Developing and Transformation Countries - Transferring UN Global Strategies and Resolutions to the Financial Services Level"
In the opinions of the United Nations Organisation and the World Bank, the housing sector is of key importance for economic growth and economic development. They believe that realising private housing investment presupposes the existence of domestic financial intermediaries. This study recommends for purposes of implementing this strategy the introduction of specialised collective saving institutions. In combination with mortgage banks to be set up later for development policy purposes, this is the source of an efficient housing finance system within the meaning of "sustainable development of human settlement". Assuming that price- index- related financial services are appropriate for mitigating housing problems of the respective population in developing and transformation countries, this combination of systems shows noticeable advantages also over those other housing finance alternatives that reflect the Anglo- American way of thinking in particular.