Michaelis, Jochen
Prosper-thy-neighbor and Beggar-thyself?
Wagatha, Matthias
Makroökonomische Schocks in der Kreditwirtschaft - eine Analyse mit VAR-Modellen
Arnold, Ivo J. M.and Kool, Clemens J.M.
The Role of Inflation Differentials in Regional Adjustment: Evidence from the United States
Brachtendorf, German and Witt, Peter
Gründungsfinanzierung und optimale Kassenhaltung
Das, Dilip K.
Emerging Market Economies: Liberalization and Performance Nexus
Janssen, Ole Johann
Currency Board-Systeme. Theoretische Aspekte und Erfahrungen
(Wilfried Fuhrmann)
Hölscher, Jens (ed.)
50 Years of the German Mark - Essays in Honour of Stephen F. Frowen
(Jürgen Born and Wim Kösters)
Michaelis, Jochen
"Prosper-thy-neighbor and Beggar-thyself?"
This paper develops a general framework to analyse the welfare effects of monetary policies in an open economy, focusing on the interaction on the internal and external sources of economic distortion. The internal sources are a monopolistic supply of both goods and labour, the external source is the monopoly power of a country on its terms of trade. Using the set-up developed by Obstfeld and Rogoff, we will show that (1) a home bias in consumption reduces the terms-of-trade externality and thus shifts the welfare gain of a monetary expansion towards the country where it will take place; (2) the welfare gain is more likely to be concentrading on the expanding country if domestic and foreign goods are close substitutes and if the distortions on the goods and labour markets are high; and (3) for a wide range of parameter values a domestic monetary expansion deteriorates domestic welfare (beggar-thyself) but improves welfare abroad (prosper-thy-neighbour). (JEL E 40, F 41, F 42)
Wagatha, Matthias
"Macroeconomic Shocks to the Credit Industry - a VAR Model-based Analysis"
This article represents an empirical analysis of whether macroeconomic shocks exert a statistical influence on insolvency rates. The quantitative implications of macroeconomic impulses have been explained with the help of impulse-response functions and forecasting error variances with these impulse-response functions and forecasting error variances being based on a VAR model. The estimates of the VAR model take account of the fact that mot of the underlying tome series have a unit root and that the variables have been co-integrated. The confidence intervals of the estimated impulse-response sequences have been ascertained with the help of a bootstrap procedure.
Arnold, Ivo J. M.and Kool, Clemens J.M.
"The Role of Inflation Differentials in Regional Adjustment: Evidence from the United States"
Within a monetary union, regional inflation differentials lead to a competition between a real interest rate and wealth channels on the one hand and the real exchange rate channel on the other hand in the transmission of regional shocks. This may have implications for the length and vehemence of regional business cycles. This paper tries to quantify how these forces work against each other using regional data for the United States. Out estimates indicate that, following an increase in the regional inflation rate, in the short run the pro-cyclical effect through the real interest rate and wealth channels is strongest. After a period of about 3-4 years the cumulative worsening of the competitive position asserts ist influence. Regional cycles in the housing market have a clear pro-cyclical effect and are, on their part, affected by regional real interest rates and real growth. (JEL E 58)
Brachtendorf, German and Witt, Peter
"Entrepreneurial Finance and Optimal Cash Inventories"
In this paper we develop a lot size model for entrepreneurial financing problems. Starting out with a modified version of the standard lot sizing-model, we treat the cost of equity for externally provided equity as adynamic variable. The start-up's cash burn is also included as a dynamic variable. Using numerical examples, we show that the staging of equity investment in start-ups is significantly advantageous. From our model, we derive the optimum number of financing rounds and the absolute amount of money that can be saved by staging the investment.